Monthly Archives: May 2012

Eurovision Vinghoe Velos Celebration Ride

We here at Velos Towers are so sure that true Brit, Engelbert Humperdinck is certain to win the Eurovision Song Contest that we are declaring Sunday 27th May’s bike ride a Celebration Ride. Please join us as we recycle another well worn route that involves the odd hill or two. As always, we pride ourselves in never leaving a man (or woman for that matter) behind so we welcome all abilities to ride with us.

The weather is looking scorchio so please stock up on the water bottles and sun screen.

Long Route

Mary has kindly offered to lead out a shorter ride of around 18 miles at a sensible, more leisurely pace that will appeal to everyone, including those who haven’t ridden for a while and are looking to get back out in the fresh air. The route is being perfected as we write so see Mary for the full details.

The event kicks off at 10am at the Rose & Crown Ivinghoe so please arrive around 9:50am so you can soak up the pre-ride atmosphere.

P.S. Apologies for the late posting – we were enjoying a bit of sunbathing in the garden earlier today and fell asleep. Luckily, we were wearing our speedos so the sunburn shouldn’t affect our ability to sit on a saddle.

Saturday 10am Tea Ride

Saturday’s almost here already. The sun will be shining, so don’t forget the suntan lotion. A tea stop where we can sit outside is on the cards for tomorrow. New riders always welcome, ride will be tailored to suit. Just turn up with your bicycle at the Rose and Crown for 10am.

See you tomorrow.


A classic line from a classic queen track. If we are to believe research then apparently the preferred musical choice of those doing domestic chores is Queens greatest hits. This has got me thinking of my favourite cycling inspired songs, so here today I bring you my top 5. It would have been ten but I don’t have all day to write this nonsense. I would also like to add that I have done no research on this subject.

So pop pickers get your fluff Freeman head on, heres the top five.

At number 5 its The Doors with Riders on The Storm. Who’d have thought that the Lizard Kings’ classic would have been inspired by cycling? After all young Jim had an appetite for drugs that is similar to an elephants need for vegetation. But as Dave Howe can testify, and as we’ve all witnessed, once you’ve done one high your in need of the next. Well when Jim was finished with his illegal highs he, like Dave, would slip his leather pants on and head out on the highway. But a simple ride was never enough, Jim was a tornado chaser, trying desperately to get caught in the twister.  The great thing about this track is that if you play it whilst its raining your tyres grip much better.

New in at number 4 is Layla by Derik and the Dominoes. Another monster hit, with a guitar solo that seems to cry in agony. You may have heard that this track, penned under a psuedonym, by uncle Eric, was inspired by a love he had for another mans wife. A lady he didn’t have, then did have, and then didn’t have. Piffle. No guitar slinging Eric liked nothing better than getting out on his Fixie and riding without the saddle. Way back in the seventies Eric liked a tipple or two, but as we all know riding without a seat and drunk is going to lead to a painful experience. So it was for Eric and this track perfectly captures this pain.

Still at number 3 this week is Bring me Sunshine by Morecambe and Wise. Neatly back to strange bedfellows indeed. Who said there’s no coherent thread through these posts? With duos the most asked question is who wrote the lyrics and who wrote the melody, or did you both do both? Well this is where the lack of research is starting to show, as I cannot answer either of these questions, nor can I even confirm if the pyjama two had anything to do with it. But I can confirm that I sing it every sunday morning as a little prayer. So tomorrow when your out peddling hum this tune and do the dance whilst cycling.

New in at number 2 its 99 Balloons Red Balloons by Nena. Way back in the eighties hormonal teenage boys weren’t looking to our European neighbours, the germans, for their kicks. But then came along Nena and we didn’t care about her armpits. No she was one fit hottie, and I can’t remember much of the song. But what I do know is that back in the eighties there was no such thing as google translator, and that the title of this song is in fact an error. Poor Nena’s english studies hadn’t gone well, and she believed that the english for bicycle was balloon. Silly Billy. What now for teenage boys? Angela “Bloody” Merkal, no thanks.

New in at number 1 Duffy with Warwick Avenue. For many a romantic ode that tells the hearbreaking breaking story of a love at the tube station. But lets not kid ourselves, no this chicks another Jim Morrison in a dress, looking for a highway high. You may not know it but Duffy is an olympic standard BMXer that likes nothing better than tearing up and down the escalators, busking the commuters with her displays of wheelies, stoppies and endoes. Too hot to rock.

So get out your bikes and lets rock veloists, heres the ride…………   

Long Route

Velos ride for Sunday 13th May 2012

Apologies for the late posting – we here at Velos Towers were distracted today by the appearance of a strange round yellow object in the sky. We are still not quite sure what it is but we hope it hangs around long enough for the ride tomorrow as it does appear to be keeping the rain away.

We do have an announcement to make about our webmaster John regarding navigation. We are officially banning him from making any suggestions as to which direction is the right way when presented with a junction. This is as a direct result of him sending the rear pack of riders last week on a merry dance that involved a visit to Dunstable and Bison hill – both which weren’t on the map. So if you do hear him suggest a direction to go, simply take the opposite route confident that you are ‘going the right way’. As a precaution, we suggest that all riders print out the map so they can get back home if they have ignored the warnings and ended up following John ‘off piste’.

And so, on to this week. As always, please gather from 9:45am at the Rose and Crown Ivinghoe. Members who want to add a few extra miles before the main event are welcome to meet at Pitstone Roundabout at 9am.

Long Route 

Short Route

P.S. We are always interested in new routes so please do send them in to us if you have crafted something different from the 10 or so regular rides we recycle each week.

Strava security in light of recent bike thefts

If you are a Strava user, please have a look at your privacy settings and consider what information you wish to share. At the moment it is possible to trace where expensive bicycles are located.

You may wish to take some or all of the following actions:
-remove your full name (under settings)
-simplify bike description eg ‘road’
-anonymise location (under privacy)

Then you can carry on enjoying your Strava addiction.
