All posts by john

Tour de France 2024 – Fantasy Team Management

It’s that time of year again … Le Tour is only a few days away. If you would like to join our Ivinghoe Velos Fantasy TdF League, please see the details below. All are welcome. The only change this year is that we are playing by the main rules … which should make it a bit more interesting. It is easy to play, so worth giving it a go if you are new to this “sport”. The main prize is a secret … and very, very rare.

Join me in the league now no.61005 : Ivinghoe Velos Challenge
By clicking on this link :

The new kit order has arrived !

Ahead of schedule, I am pleased to say that the new kit order has landed. If you placed an order, please contact me either on the contact page or via a post on the Facebook Rear Hub page. They can be collected from Pitstone or I can pop them round to you some time later in the week.

There are a few people who were unfortunately unable to place their order due to some technical problems on the suppliers website. We are really sorry about this and so we might open another order soon. Please let me know if you are one of those people so we can gauge if there is enough demand to satisfy the minimum order numbers.

Ivinghoe Velos rides for Sunday 20th September

With the new “Rule of Six” laws in place, we have to be even more vigilant with regards to the way that we start our rides. This is not only for our good health and freedom from incarceration, but also our reputation as a local community group. As such, we are insisting that when people arrive at the church car-park in Ivinghoe, they immediately form, or join a group of no more than six people. These groups must appear to be completely distinct to anyone passing at the start, and at any mid-ride stops, including road junctions.

British Cycling have some detailed guidance on their website. They also point out that if you are a member, your insurance is invalid if the rules are broken.

Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled starting time. If you are late, please join the last group on the road, only if that keeps that group to less than seven riders.

9am start, 51 miles

10am start, 31 miles

10am start, 21 miles

As always, please bring a copy of your chosen route with you.

Tuesday Evening Ride

Given the great weather, we thought we would start the Tuesday evening ride a bit earlier to get a bit more daylight. This week we will start at 6pm from Pitstone Roundabout (the one near the village green, not the roundabout at the top of Castlemead!).

As per Sunday rides, we will be meeting and riding in groups with a maximum size of 6 people. Please bring lights for your bike – with the sun low in the sky and the light fading it will help keep you safe.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 2nd August 2020

We start with an interesting extra option this week from Dave Howe.

10am start from Little Berkhamsted, 48 miles

If you are bored on the same local routes, this could be the day out for you! As usual we will moderate the pace to be inclusive of all riders as long as you can maintain 15mph. The ride starts at 10am at the church in Little Berkhamsted (SG13 8LZ). Parking is side roads around the village. It’s about a one hour drive from Ivinghoe. The ride is 48 miles at an expected 15-16mph, so 3 hours of riding, I would expect you could be back home for 2.15pm. It’s about 2,400 feet of climbing, so similar to our usual rides. Due to Covid19 restrictions and people travelling from different start points, we suggest meeting there on your bike ready to ride at 10am.

9am start from Ivinghoe Church, 52 miles

10am start from Ivinghoe Church, 37 miles

10am start from Ivinghoe Church, 20 miles

As always, please bring a copy of your chosen route with you. A reminder that we are strictly sticking to the rules, therefore we must only gather and ride in a group of 6 or less.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 26th July 2020

Another great turnout last Sunday ! Here are your choice of rides for this Sunday.

9am start, 52 miles

10am start, 30 miles

10am start, 20 miles

As per the last few weeks, we must stick to the 6 riders at most in a group both on the road and when we assemble at the area between the Ivinghoe Church and the Windmill Close bus stop.

Please bring a copy of your chosen route either on your fancy pants GPS device or old school on a bit of paper.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 19th July 2020

The turn-out last Sunday was even better than the previous week. Again, we were in our groups of a maximum of 6 riders which keeps us legal and relatively safe.

9am start, 55 miles

10am start, 29 miles

10am start, 22 miles

As is now the norm, we are starting our rides from the area between the Ivinghoe Church and the Windmill Close bus stop. Please bring a copy of your chosen route with you.

We always welcome new riders and have a commitment that no rider gets left behind so if you are thinking of coming along, please do.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 12th July 2020

Last Sunday was a very successful return to socially distanced cycling for three small, but perfectly formed, groups (one at 9am and two for the 10am ride). We did enjoy the fact that most riders were wearing the club kit so we did look the part. Again, this Sunday, we will be continuing the same “distancing rules” as detailed in last week’s post. Mr Bembridge has reserved us a couple of tables in the Beer Garden at the Rose and Crown where we can catch-up in our distinct groups after the ride.

9am start, 53 miles

10am start, 31 miles

10am start, 24 miles

As a reminder, we meet in the area between the Ivinghoe Church and the Windmill Close bus stop. As usual, please bring a copy of your chosen route with you.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 5th July 2020

Hello … it has been a while

As the Covid rules are starting to be relaxed, we here at Velos Towers thought we might start a very gentle journey back towards riding as a group again. To ensure we all stay safe, we will be strictly sticking to the Government guidelines and rules explained in detail on the Government Covid Website.

The Rules

If you have any of the symptoms, please stay at home. Or, if you are in a vulnerable group please don’t join us – it’s better to go solo to absolutely eliminate any chance of picking up the virus.

We plan to change our meeting spot to the car park area by the entrance to Ivinghoe Church and Windmill Close in Ivinghoe. This gives us plenty of space to ensure that, if there are more than 6 of us, we gather into distinct groups that are self contained and do not mix with the other groups. There must not be any chance that an onlooker might thing that we are a single group of riders numbering more that 6 people.

If there are more than 6 riders, then each group must leave the start at different times and must not join up with another group during the ride at any time.

When riding keep a minimum of 2m apart. Give your fellow riders more space if you can.

Each rider must take responsibility for their own safety and adherence to the Government Covid Rules. Please don’t take our interpretation of the rules as advice. You should read the linked site above and decide for yourself if your activity is within the guidelines.

The Rides

9am start, 50 mile ride

10am start, 33 mile ride

10am start, 25 mile ride

The Beer

The wonderful Mr Brembridge has reserved two outside tables at the Rose & Crown in Ivinghoe for use by The Velos. This means a maximum of 6 people per table and we need to socialise as these distinct groups. When you arrive at the pub you are obliged to give your details to a member of staff as per the Government rules. There will be a table service for for food and drinks.

We must not leave our bikes at the front of the pub. The landlord Mick has arranged for us to be able to store our bikes safely in the shed at the back of the pub. The door to the shed, alongside the pub, will be open.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 23rd February


A bit of recycling this week as we don’t think that anyone actually rode the routes we put out for the last couple of Sundays (which was quite sensible given what the weather was doing).

9am 50 miles South to Penn

10am 23 mile Wiggington loop

10am South to Chesham

10am MTB option

Velos Kit Order

We have received the following email from our kit supplier with regards to the recent order –

I have been informed overnight that your order will now be shipped on 16/03. I am very sorry for this inconvenience.

This is a situation that is beyond our control. The circumstances are that the coronavirus has impacted our business and effectively our factory has only returned back to work this week, mainly down to travel restrictions that have been put in place by the Chinese government. We are now back up to about half capacity which has seriously affected what we can put out.

I am so sorry for any issues this might cause but I hope you can appreciate these circumstances are out of our hands.