Category Archives: rides

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 26th September

9am route

10am route

10.30am Route

Three routes to chose from this week, all starting from Ivinghoe Church. Please arrive before the expected start time with a good knowledge of your chosen route.

Ivinghoe Velos are not a club but a group of local cyclists who ride together. We do not have a set of rules. Here are some suggested guidelines to help ensure enjoyment is had by all.

 10am & 10.30am Rides: As we have riders that are at differing levels of fitness we need to split into groups riding at a set speed. Groups should ideally be around 6 to 8 riders to help keep everyone together and not take up too much of the road. There will be a poll on the Rear Hub Facebook page  where you can select which group you would like to ride in. After looking at the ride distance and profile select which group you would like to ride in. Please be realistic when doing this! Take a turn at the front of the group to help maintain that pace and do not expect somebody to be at the front whilst you sit on their wheel. They are not your Domestiques!! Check over your shoulder  and make sure the rider behind you has not dropped off. If they are more than 5 yards back let the rest of the group know so they can ease off and let them catch up and review the pace. Agree a stopping  point for a drink and regroup after a hill. Not everybody is a good climber/descender and may need a few seconds to catch up. Be aware of other riders’ needs. If you are struggling with the agreed pace be prepared to drop back to the group behind you. Its a social ride not a time trial. Be considerate to other road users. You might be wearing Ivinghoe Velos kit and we’d like to have a reputation of considerate and courteous riders.

The 9am ride usually rides as one group as numbers are lower than 10am, the group generally rides between 15.5mph and 17.5mph depending on the route.

 Feel free to plan a route as we would welcome this and are always looking for something different. If you have ridden with us for a few rides you obviously enjoy our company so  it would be great to see you riding in Velo Cycling top to help promote the group.

Rides For Tuesday 21st Sept 2021

Ride start time moves to 6pm this week. This gives us a little more day light to play with. The route revisits a popular “chain breaker” route we did in back April as the nights were drawing out! 21 flat miles should get you back before darkness, if you are not confident on riding that fast, take the shorter option!

chain breaker B

chain breaker C

Rides for Sunday 19th September 2021

This Sunday a local sportive “the tour de vale” takes place from Stoke Mandaville, if velos are thinking of riding, please share on social media so a group can form. The route looks good, riding slightly further west that we usually reach

On Sunday we will have our usual three ride options for you starting from the church in Ivinghoe.

All three routes share some common elements, including tackling Toms Hill to warm riders up for a few climbs on generally quiet Buckinghamshire lanes.

9am 52 miles, 3,000 feet of climbing

10am 36 miles, 2,000 feet of climbing

10.30am 22 miles, 1,300 feet of climbing

We are a group of friends riding bikes, not a cycle club, so it’s a nice idea to look over your shoulder and slow to ensure your group pulls along the slower riders. We suggest routes and enjoy the company of each other while out on our bikes. Those who lead out groups, the route planners and the I.T. gurus in no way make any assurances as to the safety of any rides organised under the Ivinghoe Velos banner. Each participant is wholly responsible for their own safety, road worthiness of their steed, legal requirements to abide by the highway code and any insurances each individual feels are necessary. We can’t guarantee that there will be riders & leaders on all rides but we are lucky enough to have a large following, so generally everyone gets some company out on the road. The route planning does not take into account short term road closures so please expect to need a degree of flexibility when out on our rides.

Ivinghoe Velos Ride For Tuesday 14th Sept 2021

The evenings are drawing in, this week will be our last 6.30pm ride, after this we will begin rides earlier for a few weeks. Civil twilight this week (defined as a time when artificial lights may not be needed) ends at 19:50, sunset is 19:14 so somewhere between these times lights will be needed on your bike. Our ride of 16 miles should finish by 19:30. We start at Pitstone roundabout at 6.30pm

6.30pm ride 16 miles

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 12th September

Why not start your own “Tour Of Britain” this Sunday, join us for rides of 50, 35 or 25 miles at 9am, 10am or 10.30am. We ride road bikes and generally average between 15mph and 17mph on rides.

All rides start at the church in Ivinghoe. If the number of riders is high it’s recommended to split into clearly defined groups of 8 or fewer riders. This will ensure we are not taking up too much road space and to enable groups to stay close together. Groups can be based on pace, or who you fancy a chat with, remember the peloton group is faster than the individual, so if you are opening up more than a couple of bike lengths, you are doing it wrong.

All rides are planned as social outings with a mid-ride stop for 5 minutes to take in a biscuit or warm cheese sandwich from the back pocket. A quiet lay-by so you are not an impediment to passing traffic works best. This weeks rides aim to finish at a similar time giving everyone the opportunity to support our local public house, the Rose and Crown in Ivinghoe.

9am option

10am option

10.30am option

See you on Sunday for the best couple of hours of the week…..

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 5th September

Three rides to pick from this week, routes head South. We will be departing from the church in Ivinghoe at 9am, 10am and 10.30am. The long and medium routes tackle the Col De La Eskdale in Chesham. All routes return to the Rose and Crown for optional post ride chat and refreshment. Please arrive with a working bike and a good idea of your planned route before the ride start time, we may split into pace groups if group numbers and high. Groups of 6 to 8 riders of a similar pace usually works best, look out for all riders in your group.

9am route:

10am route

10.30am route

A reminder to all riders that we are a group of friends riding bikes, not a cycle club. We suggest routes and enjoy the company of each other while out on our bikes. Those who lead out groups, the route planners and the I.T. gurus in no way make any assurances as to the safety of any rides organised under the Ivinghoe Velos banner. Each participant is wholly responsible for their own safety, road worthiness of their steed, legal requirements to abide by the highway code and any insurances each individual feels are necessary. We don’t guarantee that there will be riders & leaders on all rides but we are lucky enough to have a large following, so generally everyone gets some company out on the roads.

Ivinghoe Velos Ride For Tuesday 31st August

It’s the last day of the month and someone needs 31km to reach the August distance challenge, so lets ride!!!

We have (oddly enough) a ride of just over 31km to complete from Pitstone roundabout starting at 6.30pm. We should get round before darkness, but anyone going for post ride refreshment will need lights to make it home safely. The route is fairly flat so should make it easy for the group(s) to stay close together.

The just over 31km ride

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 29th August 2021

An away day awaits for you this bank holiday weekend, a trip to Cambridgeshire. The route is flat and the drive is less than an hour, so join us for a nice flat ride on some different roads! We will aim to stick together, which tends to be easier on flatter routes.

We have 100km and 75km route options, so riders can join for the long route at 9am and split off to do the 75km, maybe grab a coffee and meet up again at the end, or aim to start at 10am and finish around the same time. The long route takes in part of the Cambridge busway, a nice flat tarmac track. The ride meeting point is Willington Dovecote (NT) MK44 3PX. There is a free car park and free side street parking close by, it’s a 50 minute drive from Ivinghoe. Please use our social media channels to arrange lift shares. Post ride refreshments can be taken at either the Danish Camp in Willington or The Anchor Pub on the river at Great Barford.

There will be the usual 10am and 10.30 local rides on offer, which start at Ivinghoe church. The 10am route is a lovely loop around Brickhill, with far more climbing that the Cambridge ride!!! At 10.30 we go for a 22 mile ride towards Aston Abbotts.

Also if anyone is in the market for a bank holiday leisurely paced ride that’s in the mix too, arrive at the church in Ivinghoe at 10am on Monday and we’ll see how the mood takes us.

Cambridge away day long 9am start(100km)

Cambridge away day medium 9am/10am(75km)

10am route Brickhill Loop

10.30 route

Next week we bid bon-voyage to Nick who is moving away from the area, hopefully scouting some new routes for us to try in the future!

A reminder to all riders that we are a group of friends riding bikes, not a cycle club. We suggest routes and enjoy the company of each other while out on our bikes. Those who lead out groups, the route planners and the I.T. gurus in no way make any assurances as to the safety of any rides organised under the Ivinghoe Velos banner. Each participant is wholly responsible for their own safety, road worthiness of their steed, legal requirements to abide by the highway code and any insurances each individual feels are necessary. We don’t guarantee that there will be riders & leaders on all rides but we are lucky enough to have a large following, so generally everyone gets some company out on the roads.