Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 24th November

This week we have additional optional rides for anyone wanting hills hills and more hills. We have a route covering 42 miles with over 3,500 feet of climbing, tackling (nearly) every slope in Berkhamsted for this ride arrive at 9am with this route plan: https://gb.mapometer.com/cycling/route_4981943.html

If you fancy some of the hills with 2,700 feet of climbing try this 32 mile 10am option: https://gb.mapometer.com/cycling/route_4981120.html

Usual ride options which have less climbing, so lending themselves to tight group riding without the waiting on hill tops, are as follows…..

9am 55 miles through Redbourn, via Duststable Downs and out to Cublington https://gb.mapometer.com/cycling/route_4982023.html

10am 37 miles through Redbourn, via Dunstable Downs and out to Great Billington: https://gb.mapometer.com/cycling/route_4982036.html

With Christmas creeping up quickly we would like to propose that Friday 13th December is our social gathering at the Rose & Crown for drinks and comparing cycling Christmas wish lists. It will be a bit like post ride Sundays without the slightly damp Lycra. It’s a casual “drop in when you can” occasion so feel free to organise your own food options at the pub if crisps is not enough to meet your culinary needs.

One thought on “Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 24th November

  1. I am failing miserably to upload rides to wahoo😩😩 if not raining will just turn up and go with the flow !!

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