Velos Rides for Sunday 2nd November 2014

The weather forecast for tomorrow is … a bit changeable … but anyone who is doubt as to if they should come cycle with us should simply refer to the Velominati Rule #9 for guidance as to what to do.

Two rides for us this week –

10am start, 31 miles planned by Dave “Bikeability” Bembridge

10am start, 20 mile Bertie Bassett Classic led by Dave “Bertie” Barratt

Mr Barratt’s BBC ride last week was a huge success so he will be following the same “The Sunday Slightly Slower Stick Together ” format looking to achieve an average of 12-13 mph over the whole distance.

As always, we meet at the Rose and Crown, Ivinghoe from around 9:45am onwards. Please bring a copy of your chosen route either on paper or a GPS navigation device. For both of the routes we will split into groups of similar paced riders the configuration of which we will decide on the day.

If you are on Facebook then please have a look at the Velos discussion group The Ivinghoe Velos Rear Hub . There has been some lively debate this week with regard to Club Kit – all views are welcome do please chip in if you have a view or are just interested in buying some.


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