It’s a day for wrapping up warm, cycling, and getting back to the pub for hot chocolate. 10 am start at the Rose and Crown, all welcome.
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Thanks to the acidic nature of polar bear urine, and a rather large bonfire in Ivinghoe every November, I understand that the polar ice caps are melting. As a consequence of this the river Bulbourne, and the Avon and Kennet canal, are now 7m above their normal levels. On the news we see people in a state of perpetual surprise as they try to protect their homes whilst some chap paddles by in his canoe offering to pick up their shopping.
For me this is as much of a surprise as snow in winter, and it seems rather odd that the poor soles seem to get caught out regularly when there’s a bit of excess water about. Just to be certain of my facts I’ve taken a look at Pathe News and I can confirm that whilst the Luftwaffe were busy knocking six bells out of old Londinium there people going past in their canoes. I’ve also taken a look at some of the cinema advertising from the 70’s, and what strikes me most, aside from the Pearl and Dean music, is the amount of canoes being sold.
So what can I deduce from this extensive research? Well flooding is not new. So to help out those affected by it, I’ve got a couple of tips to help you get by:
(1) It doesn’t matter how many sandbags you put outside your front door, the water is going to get in. You may feel heroic in your efforts, but they’ll be in vain. You’ve a couple of options, either move upstairs and leave the goldfish to it, or live on hill.
(2) If the water level is upto the car wheels, remember your vehicle is more like a submarine than a boat, so its time to stop and get out. The steering wheel and brakes don’t work underwater, unless you have a Lotus Esprit.
(3) Buy a canoe, at least then, when the news from nowhere near where you live, comes on you’ll get your 15 minutes of fame.
Now if your a Vinghoe Velo you’ll be made of hardy stuff, rivers and floods aren’t going to deter you. This is good news really because this weeks ride takes us through Andrew’s stream. Beware it be slippery on the bottom. Enjoy!
Anyone for tea…?
Well, it might be forecast to be a little bit damp, but the Tea Ride goes forth regardless!
10am at the Rose & Crown… might be an idea to bring waterproofs tomorrow (wellies… sou’westers…. galoshes…. boat… that kind of thing…)
Any requests for a specific route, please bring those with you too.
Velos ride for Sunday 18th November 2012
Sunday Ride
Following on from last Sunday’s fantastic ride in beautifully clear, autumn weather, the forecast looks dry again for tomorrow so, if you haven’t been out for a while, it’s going to be a great day to get back in the saddle.
Many thanks to Dan who has volunteered to lead the steady paced ride (with stops if needed).
As always, we plan to depart from the Rose & Crown at 10am.
Mid-week Rides
We would also like to remind everyone that we have regular mid-week, off-road rides on mountain bikes that are open for anyone to join.
On Tuesday evenings the ‘Pitstone Loonies’ meet at the corner of Rushendon Furlong and Marsworth Road at 7:30pm. These rides are energetic and can be technically challenging so would appeal to more experienced riders.
Thursday evenings is when the ‘Pitstone Puddlers’ meet. These rides are far less challenging and so suit off-road riders of all abilities. We start at Pitstone Roundabout (where Marsworth road meets Vicarage Road) at 7pm.
With both of these rides, good lights, a helmet and a spare tube are essential equipment.
Saturday 10 am Tea Ride
Meeting at 10 am outside the Rose and Crown for a nice easy bike ride, all welcome. We should be back at the pub at around midday.
Lest We Forget (Revised Route)
Poppies on and here we go. Meeting at the R&C from 0945 for a prompt departure of 1000 on Sunday, we head out to pay tribute to and remember those who gave us the liberty to enjoy all we do. A 15 minute break will be had at 1100 where we aim to, again, join the congregation at a local church.
The revised route – Thanks Martin for the reminder of the poor road!
Saturday 10 am Tea Ride
More cycling, tea and cakes (beer and bacon rolls for some..), route to be decide in the morning. Bring a raincoat!!!
How the Mighty have fallen
Tonight sees Ivinghoe Entertainments laying on a Firework Spectacular commencing at 1800 with the fire then being lit at 1845 followed by the fireworks at 1915. Of course we look forward to the Guy on the fire and wonder if this one could be the winner!

So having enjoyed the fireworks it will be time for a sherbet or two in the Rose and Crown where Gary and ‘the other one’ will be welcoming everyone for some essential rehydration in readiness for a spin of the pedals tomorrow morning meeting as usual at 0945, again at the Rose and Crown.
Don’t forget to check out detail of the Christmas Bash, kindly organised by Jayne and yes you’ve guessed it its at the Rose and Crown!
Saturday 10 am Tea Ride
Tomorrow we will again do a circular ride finishing at the Rose and Crown for tea and cake (or beer and bacon rolls for those who prefer). We should be back at the pub by 12.00 at the latest for those who have other commitments, probably a little earlier. Speed of the ride as always at the pace of the slowest rider, no one gets left behind. All welcome.
See you tomorrow.