Planes, trains, automobiles & BIKES

As the Red Arrows lose a plane, the Chinese lose a train, some poor soul loses control of their automobile causing traffic chaos on the M1, the fleet of new bikes continues to grow at the Vinghoe Velos

Rumour has it 2 new speed machines will be on display tomorrow, with Andrew “I don’t like White bikes” being one of these!

So where to tomorrow? Gary after a week of underwater camping heads off to Italy to plan for the Giro whilst Jose is leading a Skyride Local in Aylesbury in readiness for the MK Skyride next week!

Longer Ride

Shorter Ride

Finally if anyone is thinking of buying a ‘pirated’ cheap import jersey think again.  Our new member Mr M Arrow says the fit isn’t great although we are surprised he didn’t come with a china tea cup!

One for the girls?












One thought on “Planes, trains, automobiles & BIKES

  1. Hi all, is the longer ride the one we did a couple of weeks ago with the ‘Crom’ etc? Happy to do it again (said with a trembling lip, wide eyes and knocking knees) but i’ll be going at a slower pace than usual so if anyone wants to do the long route but is worried they won’t keep up with the big girls & boys & you are more than welcome to join me – the only problem I have is that I don’t seem to be able to print the map so goodness knows where we’ll end up…

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