MAry Saintey has asked us to remind you that she is once again riding the churches ride on 10 September 2011. She is looking for friends to join her on the day, and has routes already planned. Details will be available on forthcoming Sunday rides.

I have also recieved information From Mark and Izzy Robinson who asked me to put this out:

Buckinghamshire Historic Churches Trust – Sponsored “Ride and Stride”
Saturday 10th September 2011
10.00am – 6.00pm
Money raised goes half to the Church of your choice and half to the Trust for repair of Churches.
This is a nationwide event so churches in Beds, Bucks, Herts and further afield are all open.  The aim is to take part by visiting as many churches as possible on the day and getting sponsored to do it.  Many of the Churches serve refreshments.  Sponsor forms and lists of Churches open can be obtained from Alex Wynne 668336 or Izzy Robinson 660724. More information can also be found online.


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