Mid-week VinghoeVelos Rides

Another great turnout yesterday. Not all of us managed to avoid the rain – but then again, what did we expect – it is summer !

Road Bikes :

Tuesday 7pm at Pitstone Roundabout. Fast-ish pace, hopefully without the monsoon we experienced last Tuesday.

Off Road Mountain Bikes:

Tuesday 7.30pm from Rushendon Furlong. Can be quite challenging from a technical perspective but a lot of fun.
Thursday 7pm from Ivinghoe Beacon car park. General trail riding suitable for most people. We do need to warn riders to be aware that there are some very aggressive badgers around Ashridge that have been known to attack cyclists with a view to stealing their bikes. Let’s be careful out there.

One thought on “Mid-week VinghoeVelos Rides

  1. What a great ride, good to be back in the saddle. Big thanks to all for looking out for me in the dark!!!!
    Cheers, Martin

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