Mid-week rides & news of a possible Team Wiggle.

Thanks to everyone who came on the ride Sunday. It was another great outing with pretty much perfect weather for spinning around our wonderful local countryside.

And so, on to our mid-week rides –

Tuesday 7.30pm off-road from Rushendon Furlong. Can be quite challenging from a technical perspective.

Wednesday 7pm road ride with route by Dave ‘The Hill’ Howe so expect the odd climb or two.

Thursday 6:30pm off-road from Pitstone Roundabout (calling at Ivinghoe Library @ 6:40pm and Ivinghoe Beacon car park at 7pm). General trail riding suitable for most people.

Team Ride in September – The Wiggle Rut

A couple of members have expressed an interest in riding the Wiggle Rut which takes place on Sunday 25th September. This is a challenging ride of 74 miles but it is not a race so the pace will be set by the participants (i.e. for us -leisurely and supportive). If you decide to enter, make sure you state your group as “Vinghoe Velos”. Also, let me (John Hegarty) know and we will see if we can organise a car pool to get us and our bikes there and back.
Fear not, for those not interested in the Wiggle Rut there will be the usual Velos ride on this date.

One thought on “Mid-week rides & news of a possible Team Wiggle.

  1. I won’t be able to attend the Wednesday ride, as I’m working until 9 in Chesham, I’ll maybe bump into the ride on my way back from work if it’s a long one! The wiggle rut looks like a great “end of season” challenge

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