Victims of our Own Success?!

So that’s the question that has been praying on our minds. 

We remain committed to trying to encourage people of all abilities to cycle and also and perhaps most importantly to do so with confidence and respect for other road users (yes even those people in cars!).  We believe cycling should be an inclusive and social activity and that is how we intend to continue to take things forward.

Last week was I believe a great learning for many people and sadly was not as organised or as smooth as we might have wanted and from it we ask:

  • Everyone to take just a little time to study the preplanned route of your choice
  • Start together and stick with the the group you chose to go out with, should you choose to leave the group please advise the nominated group leader
  • As most of us are car drivers too, remember the Velos do not own the road and every effort is made to keep us to ‘b’ roads wherever possible
  • PLEASE try and arrive at the R&C for 0950, we aim to set off at 1000 not meet at 1000

Apologies for the sermon but we are simply picking up on feedback in an effort to maximise everyone’s enjoyment. ALL FEEDBACK desired and welcome

So to this weekend; we will set off from the R&C at 1000 on Sunday and as an experiment the 2 routes will go off and follow completely seperate routes.

LONG ROUTE – 26 miles designed by Dave B but borrowing Dave H’s ‘flat route planning tool’! One for ‘Mountain Goat Beezer’ and ooh think I may have a flattie!

SHORTER ROUTE – 15 miles not designed by Dave B!

Finally as part of our aim to promote cycling please look at this CYCLE CHALLENGE starting next month and yes there are prizes to be had! Anyone wishing to ask questions on this should speak to Sally B

Last piece of feedback was “not enough pictures” to show what we are about, so here we go!  All contributions welcome for future publication

One thought on “Victims of our Own Success?!

  1. Good to see a few hills on the route plan! sorry for not being around for the recent rides, work shifts have fallen on Sundays and kids parties seem to have taken over the rest of my weekends! I hope to be out with you in a few weeks, after a weekend away and yet another working Sunday, thanks for looking after my old mate Nigel!

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