Record Breakers!

Its zero degrees its a Sunday in January and we managed to break records……..24 cyclists travelling through 3 counties on 3 different routes…….FANTASTIC!

Yes the Vinghoe Velos story continues to grow!  Watch this space for exciting news about a NATIONAL PRO cycle event passing through the village and girls its time to step up the training, rumour has it the boys will only be able to man the refreshment stop (Jack in drag maybe?!).

2pm today sees many of  us meeting at the Rose and Crown, well sort of, the keen amongst us are going to watch Italy v Ireland in the 6 Nations, to try and recover from the Jaegarmeisters from last night whilst Dave B will be leading out an 8 mile introduction to road cycling ride.

Tomorrows rides for those who are wanting to know where we are going! (Yes there are HILLS this week!)

LONG – 23 Miles

SHORT – 14 Miles

One thought on “Record Breakers!

  1. Hi Andrew – 2 more great rides for tomorrow – eek it’s very windy so I think the short one might be challenge enough this week 🙂 Just a small word of warning: the long ride goes through my home patch and one part – the stretch along Roe End Lane (between your mile markers 9 and 10) – is VERY muddy at the moment – great for mountain bikes but I wouldn’t like to take my road bike along it :-0 See you tomorrow (unless the wind gets much blusterier…..)

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