More Awards for the Vinghoe Velos
Welcome to this weeks update for the Vinghoe Velos. This weekend we have two events to entertain and delight you. But before I go onto these I’d like to thank those of you who managed to get out with us last weekend in the slightly moist conditions. Luckily for Dave Bembridge, and his river routes, we had the Mclaren pit crew with us, as Jose achieved a world record for punctures on one ride. Roy Cattle and Norris McSquewter shall be updating the Butcombe book of world records. And now onto this weekend:
(1) Sam the Mechanics visit to the R&C on 9th October 2010.
As published recently here the time has now come. Bring out the wrecks, and Raleigh Tomohawks. In no time at all you’ll have them back in pristine condition for our next concours meeting. I shall check with Dave the times and update later.
(2) Rides for Sunday 10 October 2010.
A choice of three rides are on offer this week. As usual we shall be starting from the Rose and Crown, however we shall be tagging onto a charity ride out of Albury that departs around 10.30 from New ground road. The choice of routes from here cover 8, 16, or 27 miles, and as those of you who have picked up the recent posts will see, cover familiar areas.
There has been a suggestion that due to the expected number of riders we start at an earlier time, however I am concerned that some people may not have picked up on the recent posts, so I would suggest we DEPART AT OUR USUAL TIME OF 10.00AM.
And now to the routes:
Family Route
16 mile route
27 mile route
There is a £3 entry fee for local charities, so I would suggest we do as the Robin Hood ride and make a donation. Weather for this weekend is forecast to be back to our normal conditions, fantastic sunshine. Bring on the sun cream!

And finally some advance warning for Saturday 16th October 2010. I will be unavailable for the Sunday ride that weekend, so for those of you looking for a bit of “soft roading” I shall taking a group out from about 2.30. This won’t be too challenging but you will need a mountain/hybrid bike. More details to come next week.
See you all over the weekend.
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