Category Archives: rides

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 11th February 2024

10am 34 miles

10am 29 miles

10.30 23 miles

Three routes to choose from this week and to celebrate Ivinghoe Velos being your number one cycling connection there are some (not so well) hidden number one 80s song titles in this weeks post. How many can you spot? Rides start from Ivinghoe Church, Papa don’t preach!

Getting out and riding with fellow like minded cyclists is great for heart and mind, you can have a little sprint where the winner takes it all, or be a super trouper and pull the rest of the group along riding at the front. Now is a good time to start, we’re not going underground we will carry on encouraging riders to ring my bell and stand and deliver. Possible showers on Sunday, the tide is high, so the routes are not too long, then it’s back to the house of fun, the Rose and Crown for a pint, or some red red wine and a chat- happy talk I expect. There are a few slopes, every breath you take will get you closer to the top, he aint heavy he’s my brother, so we regroup at the top. Then don’t be too shy, take a turn on the front and relax on the down hills, the freedom of the open road means you might say hello to a strava record, then we’ll all be dancing in the streets!

At 10am we have two tribes, one taking on a 34 mile route the other a 29 mile route. At 10.30 riders can use the power of love in a 23 mile circuit. All routes are circular, you spin me round (like a record)! The pace will be respectable. It’s a sin to leave anyone behind, no riders should be saying I think we’re alone now, so move closer and stick together, form a chain reaction (or a caravan of love). Make sure you know the route, we don’t want anyone taking a different corner, shouting “I should have known better” as they go. If you get into the groove and ride as a team we will soon be back in the land of make believe, going through the green door into this ole house, the pub.

Any mechanicals, just call out “don’t leave me this way” and we will stop, especially for you. It’s just one moment in time, those who don’t have a puncture might mutter I should be so lucky. Then once fixed, pump up the volume of your tires so they are under pressure, don’t turn around, carry on along the route, the only way is up! Stick in a group, cycling is easier with a little help from my friends.

Please arrive before the stated start time, we ride on time. Shout out pot holes for other riders, not just a careless whisper. We don’t want your bike thinking do you really want to hurt me! The reflex is strong but plenty of warning helps. I know you are probably thinking Shaddap your face, I owe you nothing, but the Ivinghoe Velos is built on a groovy kind of love and somethings gotten hold of my heart and it’s not a tainted love. Riding is always on my mind. All around the world (or at least Buckinghamshire) we ride like it’s the first time, enjoying the thrill of a little peace on roads like in a ghost town rather than a town called malice, thanking the spirit in the sky when it feels like the edge of heaven.

So on to the end of ride sprint, it’s the final countdown, you win again? well every loser wins on a Velos ride, jack your body, swing the mood, come on Eileen, like a prayer you might be perfect or end up crying (seven tears?) just enjoy the ride. That’s what I like. see you on Sunday- when the going gets tough the tough get going!

That’s 70 song titles by the way!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 4th February 2024

Hey February! There is only one thing more annoying that how long January is and that’s jokes about how long January is. We are now moving into the possibility of ride titles like “feels like spring has arrived”, “4 seasons in one ride” and “banishing the winner blues”. The evenings will start getting lighter and within a couple of months we will be riding without lights in the early evenings! Once into warmer months we will extend the longer Sunday ride and once a month include a coffee stop at the mid-point. We will also plan some “away days” where we drive for an hour or so to start our ride enabling us to experience some different roads. We’ve avoided any snowy rides so far this winter but there is still time for a mountain bike trip down the skate rink at Watery Lane, fortunatley this Sunday is looking dry and mild.

Three ride options for everyone to enjoy this week, thanks to Dave B for providing the 23 mile and 30 mile routes. While we no longer call the 10.30 ride specifically new joiners and returners we still ride with the moto that no one gets left behind, so please support your fellow riders on your choosen route. The power of the peleton is greater than the individual (the breakaway does sometimes succeed but then no one talks to the yellow jersey in the pub)

All rides start at the road junction by Ivinghoe church and return to give riders the chance of a pint and debrief at the Rose and Crown pub. Please arrive before the advertised start time, with a good idea of the route you are completing, we may split into pace groups to avoid being too big a group if rider numbers are large.

10am longer option

10am medium option

10.30am shorter option

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 28th January 2024

Three routes this week with the 10.30 “beginners and rejoiners” route taking on a few small climbs in the planned 24 mile route giving around 1,100 feet of climbing, my mission was to craft two routes for 10am riders which included LESS climbing than the later shorter route (after all we have done a few hills recently). So at 10am we have a choice of 40 miles with 1,070 feet of climbing or 30 miles with 870 feet of climbing. These rides contain a no hills and no puncture guarentee**

10am 40 miles: flat out 40

10am 30 miles: flat lands 30

10.30 Beginners And Returners 24 miles

We are not a cycle club, there is no membership fees, riders can come along as often or as little as they like. We are a large group of friends enthusiastic about riding bikes with a good knowlege of local routes and the mechanical working of our bikes. We have various distance and pace options to suit most casual riders. While our quickest rides can go along at a reasonable pace, If you are training for the Olympics we are probably not the group for you! Our top speed average rarely exceeds 16mph while our lower mileage rides are often around 14mph, depending on how much climbing is involved! Riding in a group saves a good 20% of your usual solo effort so join the group for some easier miles!

Rides Start and finish in Ivinghoe, at the junction by the church, our general aim is to leave no one behind unless they are dead set on wanting to continue solo (we often hear riders say they are happy to continue on their own but we know it’s always easier in a group so we moderate the pace to get everybody back, or split into pace groups)

While we meet and complete suggested routes each week, we can make no guarentees about traffic safety and road conditions, anyone joining us must be responsible for their own safety, ensure their equipment is in good order and ride with due caution. We occasional need to divert from the planned course due to road closures but try not to increase our distances too much.

During January we offer 10.30am routes dedicated to new joiners and returners which are riden at an even more relaxed pace to suit those wanting to give it a try, we will also look at offering more of the same in the early spring.

** based on rides taking place in the middle of summer on a dry sunny day on brand new bikes with high puncture protection tires, following a road sweeper.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 21st January

Three rides this week, with a slightly longer option on the 10am routes. At 10.30 the beginners & rejoiners ride gets serious with a couple of small climbs on the route!

All rides start and finish in ivinghoe by the church and we may split into different paced groups if there are a large number of riders

The forecast for Sunday is warmer than of late and also dry, the wind is coming from the South, so the 10am routes will be using some hills as shelter and benefitting for some assistance on the way home, when it’s windy riding together is even more important, so stick close together to benefit from a rest from any headwinds!

10am medium chiltern Challenger 34 miles:

10am medium short Chiltern Little Challenger 30 miles:

10.30am short, beginners and returners:

Rides conclude conveniently close to the Rose and Crown for some post ride rehydration and calorie replacement.

Ivinghoe velos Rides For Sunday 14th Jan 2024

This week the prospect is some dry cool conditions, so no better time to get out and kick start that healthy lifestyle, not only physically by completing some exercise but also mentally by engaging in converstion with some of the finest brains in the LU7 9 post code. Or so we like to think.

Two rides starting at 10am this week. Take you pick and enjoy a group outing with the velos. The more the merrier, we have been riding for over a decade, so have a good knowledge of the best local routes and some expertise in mending minor mechanicals.

The first is a 16 mile beginners and returners route which stays pretty flat and should ensure you are banging on the door of the pub before 12 oclock. With 400 feet of climbing over 16 miles this is pretty much as flat as possible, completing two local loops with Slapton as the mid point. This ride will have a leader and will be moderated to ensure everyone gets the group ride experience.

The second is a 34 mile ride with a couple of hills in the middle with 1,400 feet of climbing the hills are out of the way by the half way point and then it’s a nice tight group return which will be slightly wind assisted! Last week riders decided to ride the medium route together, so depending on numbers there could be one or two pace options for this ride. Last Sunday’s rather hilly ride medium ride with some tricky lanes was ridden at an average speed of 13.5 to 14.5mph, this weeks could be slightly quicker as there is less climbing and plenty of flat sections on reasonable roads.

The extra bit you can read if you are really bored

Ivinghoe Velos are a bunch of cyclists who enjoy getting out together sharing rides on local roads as well as the odd trip away. We are a non-competitive group who pride ourselves on our friendly appoach to road cycling, enjoying the health and social benfits that go along with regular exercise as well as the odd well earned beer after a ride (optional!) The group has no fees or membership and has been planning routes on a purely voluntary basis every Sunday since 2010. It’s great that 14 years on we still get over 20 riders show up for winter rides (last Sunday). Route planners and post publishers by no means guarentee the safety of riders while out on the roads, suitable care and safety equipment is needed for each individual, who takes part in rides at their own risk.

At the time of writing the forecast for Sunday’s rides is dry with light winds and above freezing. While the guys at Velos Towers try to plan rides based on the weather conditions, we can’t make a decision on your own safety, so please keep an eye on the conditions and only come out if the conditions are safe for you. If the weather takes a turn for the worse we will flick the MTB switch and move to the fat tyre alternative via our social media channels.

Riding together makes the miles a bit easier with some shelter from head winds, some conversation (when not completely out of breath) and a group to latch on to when every part of your body is telling you it’s time to stop! Usually when riding in a group you have a higher average speed as you spend less time pusing against the wind- unless you are super-fit and ride at 17mph+ on your own, in which case we are probably not the group for you.

During January we have a new starters and re-starters ride option for anyone wanting to try riding road bikes in a group, maybe you usually ride solo and would like to try something different, or maybe you’ve got a bike gathering dust that you really should be putting to use!

We organise the longer rides into pace groups if numbers are large, splitting groups at the start of the ride (or riding together at a moderate pace if only a few riders are out). Steady is a pace that ensures no one gets left behind, medium is generally around 14-16mph and pacey is over 16mph. It’s not fun being miles behind everyone else so we try to moderate the group pace to stay together but if you are riding at 12 miles per hour in the pacey group we might come to an agreement that the group will push on without you. Equally if you are riding off the front of the steady group at 17 miles per hour, you probably should re-think your group choice!

On the flat and shallow hills we try to ride close together as the group will function better as a cohesive unit rather than dropping riders and stopping for them to catch up, The sum of the parts should be greater than the individuals. Teamwork makes the dream work! On steeper hills (up and down!) everyone has their own pace, so we will regroup once the hill has been completed, either stopping completely or slowing the pace to allow everyone to catch up. No one should be left behind until we get to the final sprint a mile or so from home and then if you have anything left in the legs you can push on!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 7th January 2024

Hello 2024! We had a pretty good turn out on the last ride of 2023 so well done to the riders who saw the year out with a decent ride and dare I say it an early new year beer or two!

Hopefully folk are fit and well and ready to roll in 2024, if you are looking to enjoy group rides, kick start a healthy lifestyle change, maintain last year’s fitness gains or catch up with friends new and old then Ivinghoe Velos rides are the place to be! New joiners and returners are always welcome and particularly at the start of the year when riding alone can be tough. We ride road bikes, chunky tires are welcome but they do make it hard to keep up!

We are not a cycle club, there is no membership fees, riders can come along as often or as little as they like. We are a large group of friends enthusiastic about riding bikes with a good knowlege of local routes and the mechanical working of our bikes. We have various distance and pace options to suit most casual riders. While our quickest rides can go along at a reasonable pace, If you are training for the Olympics we are probably not the group for you! Our top speed average rarely exceeds 16mph while our lower mileage rides are often around 14mph, depending on how much climbing is involved! Riding in a group saves a good 20% of your usual solo effort so join the group for some easier miles!

Rides Start and finish in Ivinghoe, at the junction by the church, our general aim is to leave no one behind unless they are dead set on wanting to continue solo (we often hear riders say they are happy to continue on their own but we know it’s always easier in a group so we moderate the pace to get everybody back, or split into pace groups)

While we meet and complete suggested routes each week, we can make no guarentees about traffic safety and road conditions, anyone joining us must be responsible for their own safety, ensure their equipment is in good order and ride with due caution.

This weeks longer rides both start at 10am and head to Chipperfield, there is a shorter and longer option 31 miles or 38 miles (with a bit more climbing). If you are confident of riding 30 miles solo at 14mph or more these rides are suitable for you!

At 10.30 we have a new year ride to encourage returners and new joiners, riden at a pace to get everyone round comfortably and with Dave Bembridge as ride leader, you can join this group if you’d like to test riding with others in a small group. The route is 13.5 miles and avoids any serious hills so the group can keep turning the pedals, come along if you fancy giving us a gentle try out.

10am 38 miles Chipperfield chase Extended

10am 31 miles Chipperfield Chase

10.30 13.5 miles new starters and returners:

We often regroup after rides at the Rose and Crown in Ivinghoe where isotonic beverages and health boosting cheesy chips are usually available to purchase, the perfect end to time out on a Sunday morning!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 31st December 2023

First and Last: We end the year just like we started it riding our bikes. In fact the routes this week are the same published routes as our first outing in 2023. Anyone still pushing to complete a 2023 challenge? This really is the last chance saloon! Rides leave from outside Ivinghoe church at the stated times.

10am 38 miles

10am 29 miles

10.30am 21 miles

Happy new year to all riders who have been out with us over the last 12 months, hope to see you again in 2024. We’ve had some great adventures over the last 12 months, some great Sunday rides, Tuesday evening thrashes, away days, train rides and weekends in other parts of the country, wind, rain, crashes, mechanicals and punctures, sunshine, delicious decents, amazing scenery, coffee and cakes and maybe the odd beer and plate of cheesy chips. Most importantly we’ve done it together, sharing the good times and helping each other when things don’t quite go to plan in life as well as on the road. Lets do it all again in 2024.

Ivinghoe Velo Rides For Sunday 24th Decmeber

Hopefully velos riders can gather together on Friday night (22nd December) for a Christmas drink at the Rose and Crown, 7.30pm onwards, it’s going to be a lycra free zone so safe to bring your better half.

Just in case there is a bit of demand for rides on Sunday we have three options all heading the same way, 20, 30 or 35 miles, depending on the number of keen riders it may be the case that riders group together to make a reasonable group. The weather looks good, there is unlikely to be a frost and it looks dry, just remember those who succeed with their milage ambitions usually find an excuse to get out and ride, while those who don’t find an excuse not to ride.

Little cracker

medium cracker

big cracker

As many people have some time off over the festive period it would be good to have some ad-hoc ride options, if you are planning on a ride please feel free to post an invite on social media channels so others can join in.

After Christmas we usually use the “new year resolution” period as a time to encourage and welcome new and returning riders, what better time to join a ride that January when not much else happens and we evaluate our healthy lifestyles (well maybe July when it’s warmer?)

A Merry Christmas to one and all! Hope santa brings you a few cycling goodies.

Enjoy the ride, enjoy Christmas, stay safe, stay well.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 17th December

Three routes departing from Ivinghoe church on Sunday morning. Chapeau to anyone who has got some miles in this week, the weather has been a bit grim at times, we are hoping for something slightly more ride friendly on Sunday! Some of this post may look familiar, as we all know recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest or extract new raw materials from the earth, thus reducing the damage and disruption to the natural world, avoiding diverting rivers, cutting down forests and displacing wild animals from their natural habitat. And it saved me 5 minutes.

Social reminder: Friday 22nd Decemeber, a festive get together for drinks at the Rose and Crown from 7.30pm, if you need to eat out to help out please book a table individually before hand. No need to bring your bike.

10am medium long “reach out and I’ll be there” Heath and reach

10am medium short Brazen Braziers

10.30am short “It’s the real Tring” Local loop skirting round Tring

Please arrive before the suggested departure time, picking the pace option most applicable to your abilities (or you will go to jail) watch out for the conditions and enjoy the rides.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 10th December

Three routes departing from Ivinghoe church on Sunday morning. Chapeau to anyone who has got some miles in this week the weather has been a bit grim at times, we are hoping for something slightly more ride friendly on Sunday!

10am medium long “reach out and I’ll be there” Heath and reach

10am medium short “I hate you Butlers” Butlers Cross Loop

10.30am short “It’s the real Tring” Local loop skirting round Tring

Please arrive before the suggested departure time, watch out for the conditions and enjoy the rides.