Monthly Archives: September 2019

Velos Rides for Sunday 29th September 2019

Mr Bembridge has put forward the following in an attempt to assure new riders that they won’t get left behind, whilst keeping us to sensible sized collections of cyclists. The idea is that, at the start of the ride, we will divide into two groups. The ‘A’ group will aim to ride at an average of 16-19mph, depending on the terrain. The ‘B’ group will ride no faster than an average of 15mph. Each group will keep together unless agreed by the members of that group (e.g. for things like mechanicals or where one rider needs to go off faster to make a deadline).

All groups will depart from the Rose and Crown, Ivinghoe at the times stated below.

9am ride, 53 miles

10am ride, 38 miles

10am ride, 20 miles

As always, please bring a copy of your chosen route with you.

Velos Rides for Sunday 22nd September 2019

Unfortunately due to the wet weather forecast, we are postponing our planned trip to the Isle of Wight. Still, a bit of wet shouldn’t stop our local rides for this Sunday.

9am start. 53 miles around Aylesbury

10am ride, 40 miles around Leighton Buzzard

10am ride, 19 miles

Please bring a copy of your chosen route with you. We meet at the Rose and Crown in Ivinghoe at the times stated above. Please help us keep to our “no rider gets left behind” by regularly checking over your shoulder and by shouting “easy up” if the rider behind you loses contact.

Velos Rides for Sunday 15th September 2019

The weather looks set fair for a bright day with light winds, so a good day to forget your week day worries and get out and ride! The usual three routes options to choose from this week….

9am 54 miles Little Outing To Little Horwood

10am 40 miles Kop Hill Classic

10am 20 miles “easy does it”

Please remember to bring a copy of your chosen route.

Don’t forget next Sunday (22nd September) has the option of a day by the seaside with an outing to the Isle of Wight, we expect to be catching a 9am ferry from Portsmouth and then ride around the island on a 68 mile route with sea views all the way! The pace will be around 15mph, so a chance to take in the views and an ice cream or two!

Velos Rides For Sunday 8th September 2019

This week the 9am longer route is a slight variation on an old favourite to Cranfield university. At 55 miles without many big hills it should bring riders back to the Rose & Crown in good time for refreshments. It uses an underpass to get under the busy A421 with some delightful graffiti to balance the mostly rural feel to the rest of the ride!

Dave B has provided us with a 10am route which he describes as “lumpy and bumpy”, having just conquered Mount Ventoux, I imagine this might be a challenging 36 miles!

Those short of time could dash round the 10am short ride (22 mile)

Which ever ride you decide upon, please bring a map/gps file to remain on course, stay safe and leave no one behind!

Velos rides for Sunday 8th September 2019

Many thanks to Dave Howe who did such a fab job of posting the rides over the last few weeks. Here are the rides for this Sunday.

9am start. 53 miles around Aylesbury

10am ride, 40 miles around Leighton Buzzard

10am ride, 19 miles

Please bring a copy of your chosen route with you. We meet at the Rose and Crown in Ivinghoe at the times stated above. Please help us keep to our “no rider gets left behind” by regularly checking over your shoulder and by shouting “easy up” if the rider behind you loses contact.

As a reminder, a number of us are looking forward to circumnavigating the Isle of Wight on 22nd September, a hilly 68 mile ride. This is planned to be ridden as a group with a ball-park figure of 15mph average. To be flexible (if the weather is inclement) we won’t be booking ahead but we aim to be on a 9.15am ferry from Portsmouth. More details next week.

We will be opening the next kit order in a week or so – please start planning what Winter kit you would like. Details to follow.