Velos Rides for Sunday 30th November 2014


There are three distances to choose from this week, all departing from the Rose and Crown  at 10am.

33 mile loop

25 mile loop

19 mile loop

They have all been plotted by Mr Dave “Tour de Britain” Bembridge who has cleverly engineered them such that each group will pass one of the others at some point.

As always, please bring a copy of the route with you (or memorise it if you have those sort of skills).

Bossard Wheelers Training Camp

Last week we were joined on our Sunday ride by two of the Boassard Wheelers, Richard and Trevor. They have kindly extended an invitation to one of their training camps to any of the Ivinghoe Velos who might be interested. Here is the message from Richard –

A few members of our club are going to Majorca next March for a short training camp and I was wondering if you or any of the Ivinghoe Velos would be interested in joining us. Work commitments mean that we are going out on Monday 2nd and we’re coming back on Sunday 8th March. We will be staying at the very popular Club Pollentia, which is situated between Alcudia and Port de Pollenca. Its a great location for exploring the island and the emphasis will be on longish steady rides, at a pace to suit the slowest rider. We usually venture into the hills on a couple of rides, weather permitting! We are flying from Stansted and those that are going have already booked. Booking the hotel is very straight forward using their website. I will book the coach transfer when I have a definite number of people travelling.

If you are interested, please use the contact us form on our site and we will pass your email address over to Richard.


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