Velos Rides for Sunday 12th October 2014

Road Rides

We have three road rides on offer this Sunday – the early one kindly supplied by Dave “The Hill” Howe and includes some new roads for us. Dave has also wrangled a special “Mention the Velos and get £5 off 1st treatment” discount for a local Osteopath Louise Barrett that he is recommending. You can find our more over at Louise’s Facebook page.

Here are the road ride routes and start times for this week –

9am start, 44 miles, The Route

10am start, 33 miles, The Route

10am start, 20 miles, The Route

All three  start from the Rose and Crown, Ivinghoe and we always recommend bringing a copy of the route that you plan to ride.

Off Road / Hybrid Ride

Dave “Jogle” Bembridge has organised another one of his popular canal rides, this time from Pitstone cycling along the tow path all the way to Euston. There will be a stop at The Bree Louise pub for lunch and maybe a pint or two before catching the train back. His group are starting from Pitstone Roundabout tomorrow (Sunday 12th) at 8am.

8am Start, 51 miles, The Route

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