Velos Ride for Sunday 21st April 2013

First up, a big thank you to everyone who came out with us last week. We had one of our biggest crowds for a long time with almost 30 riders participating.

One of the things that led to such a great ride last weekend was the ‘relaxed paced’ group led by Dave Bembridge. We are blessed again this week as Dave is going to lead out another ride of similar pace and length. We don’t have full details of his route yet but we believe that it will head towards Wing, round to Whitchurch, Weedon, Wingrave, Long Marston and Marsworth before returning to the Rose and Crown.

The “13 mph” group will follow the route detailed below.

The Route 

While the forecast isn’t set to be as wonderful as today was, it does look to be dry and we should see that big yellow thing in the sky for at least some of the ride. As always, we meet at the Rose and Crown from 9:50am with a view to heading off at 10am.

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