As many of you are aware a gathering has been arranged to celebrate Christmas on 9th December and I am sure we would all like to thank Jayne for organising it.
Many people may not realise what effort is put into arranging rides, shirts, socials, the website etc. One thing is sure that without the input from all those who contribute none of what we share together would be possible.
Please remember that whilst we may enjoy the change of scenery at another local hostelry, the Rose & Crown, Ivinghoe remains the birthplace of the glorious Vinghoe Velos and I am sure we will all continue to eat, drink and make merry in there. Details of their great Christmas Fayre can be found here.
Thank you to Alistair and all of the team for your hospitality and continuing to put up with the motley crew of ‘athletes’ that descend on you several times a week.
Keep cycling and be careful out there!