Many of you, I am sure, will have enjoyed Sundays’ ride and in particular the company of Sally and Andy Beezer. However, behind the smiles of this charming couple lies a story that would tug at heart strings made of steel.

Those of you that have been with us from the outset will remember their beloved son Jack, a young man who whilst lacking strength, agility and stamina was determined to join the pinnacle of cycling, the Vinghoe Velos. Now what Jack may have lacked in physical attributes was compensated for by an astute mind, that some have said would place him significantly near the top of the mammal food chain. But today I can confirm that he remains absent, and so today we ask you to help us find Jack. We are certain that with your help and our celebrity friends we can bring Jack back.

We have been fortunate to have Shaw Taylor amongst our midst and he offers the following insights:

“Jacks last known whereabouts was in the Brighton area, where he is believed to have been Studying. We also now that he is a keen Frisbee player, and spent much of his time avoiding lectures and heading out to the beach. We’d have liked to have shown you an up to date picture of Jack, but we believe his features have now changed, and the best we can give you is this latest Police reconstruction.

Does Jack now look like this.
Is this Jacks Frisbee?

So far a number of leads and theories have been investigated by the Brighton Constabulary. Firstly has he been kidnapped and forced to work in a cottage industry? Jacks parents think this unlikely as Jacks ability to slide under doors is renowned in the local public house.

Has he been abducted by the A team and forced to shoot up Mexican drug smugglers. With BA Barracus’s known fear of flying it is unlikely that they would have been able to have completed a long haul flight.

We couldn’t find BA but here’s his Jewellery supplier

Is it simply that Jack went out drinking one night and after one too many accepted a chocolate bar from an unlicensed mini cab driven by George Michael.? Did he end up slumped behind an air bag in shop doorway? Sally tells us that Jack was taught never to accept lifts from a man who is careless with his wispa!

Join me for a Spliffing ride

So if you think you can help please contact DCI Wibbly Wobbly at Brighton police station.

And remember keep ‘em peeled”.

Thanks to Shaw for his help.

Till next time keep.....................

Sally and Andy have asked the Vinghoe Velos for as much help as we can give and so today we announce the Ride for Jack. We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes for several minutes to bring this event together and can confirm that the event has been given the royal seal of approval. Buck House has declared that April 29 will be Royal Wedding and Vinghoe Velo Ride for Jack Day.

Final route details and timings are still to be worked on by our team, however I can confirm that our intention is to catch a train from Cheddington to Northampton and cycle back. Friend to the stars and Velo Cartographer, Dave ‘Hill’ Howe has already looked at the map and offers this insight.

“Look as I hold this map up against the wall, Northampton is up here, and Vinghoe is down here. I declare the route to be down hill all the way!”

We are sure that you will want to join us on this momentous day, so please confirm your interest to Sally and Jack as soon as possible. Places are likely to be limited by the number of carriages on the train, so please respond quickly and support this family during these dark hours.

As a sign of his appreciation Andy has kindly donated several photos to the web site. Despite being taken with an Instamatic we are sure you’ll agree that these are of excellent quality. Normally in his professional capacity Andy would be selling these at £10 a print. But here today you can have them for free by simply using the copy and paste function on your computer. Just go to our about page.

So join us to help the Beezer family join up………………..

One thought on “THE SEARCH FOR JACK

  1. Hi guys, hope the search for jack goes well, I won’t be able to make the 29th as I’ve already accepted a street party invite for that day. Barring illness, injury or light drizzle I will be joining for the ride this Sunday, please don’t put any extra hills in the route for my benefit, it’s been a while!

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