Category Archives: rides

The new kit order has arrived !

Ahead of schedule, I am pleased to say that the new kit order has landed. If you placed an order, please contact me either on the contact page or via a post on the Facebook Rear Hub page. They can be collected from Pitstone or I can pop them round to you some time later in the week.

There are a few people who were unfortunately unable to place their order due to some technical problems on the suppliers website. We are really sorry about this and so we might open another order soon. Please let me know if you are one of those people so we can gauge if there is enough demand to satisfy the minimum order numbers.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 27th September 2020

9am route 50 miles to Houghton Conquest

10am Route 37 miles to Winslow

10.30 route 22 miles via Hastoe

The usual three routes to choose from this Sunday. To aid our intention to meet, mix and ride in groups of no more than 6, there are three start times. If we do find there are more than six riders arriving at any one time we need to quickly divide into ride groups, usually based on expected pace. Please add your expected ride option to the facebook poll, so we have an educated guess on rider numbers.

Those with sharp eyes will notice that we are trialing using “ride with GPS” as our mapping software this week. Apparently for those who worry about these things, the elevation guide might be a bit more realistic than our usual mapometer software. Your views and feedback on this will be gratefully received.

Hopefully something for everyone this weekend, we ride in groups looking after each other, so join us before the expected ride start time, bring along a copy of the route and enjoy the ride!

Ivinghoe Velos rides for Sunday 20th September

With the new “Rule of Six” laws in place, we have to be even more vigilant with regards to the way that we start our rides. This is not only for our good health and freedom from incarceration, but also our reputation as a local community group. As such, we are insisting that when people arrive at the church car-park in Ivinghoe, they immediately form, or join a group of no more than six people. These groups must appear to be completely distinct to anyone passing at the start, and at any mid-ride stops, including road junctions.

British Cycling have some detailed guidance on their website. They also point out that if you are a member, your insurance is invalid if the rules are broken.

Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled starting time. If you are late, please join the last group on the road, only if that keeps that group to less than seven riders.

9am start, 51 miles

10am start, 31 miles

10am start, 21 miles

As always, please bring a copy of your chosen route with you.

Tuesday Evening Ride

Given the great weather, we thought we would start the Tuesday evening ride a bit earlier to get a bit more daylight. This week we will start at 6pm from Pitstone Roundabout (the one near the village green, not the roundabout at the top of Castlemead!).

As per Sunday rides, we will be meeting and riding in groups with a maximum size of 6 people. Please bring lights for your bike – with the sun low in the sky and the light fading it will help keep you safe.

Ivinghoe Velos rides for Sunday 13th September

The usual 3 routes for riders to choose from this weekend.

Government guidance currently states that six of fewer people can meet outside while maintaining social distancing. We need to make sure groups are formed in advance of start times and late comers won’t be able to join full groups at the start point or during the rides. It’s been noted that cycling insurances may be invalid if riders are not adhering to these guidelines. Your co-operation will be appreciated by all riders and keep us safe and legal.

The 9am route is 50 miles and tackles some hills in the first half before a flat second half

The medium 10am is a 32 mile route which takes us along Gaddesden Row

Our shortest option at 10am is a great starting point for newer riders it’s 20 local flat miles

Dave Bembridge is planning on leading the shorter 10am route at a pace appropriate to the riders present

The 9am route is usually ridden around 16+mph with the group working together draft riders around.

The medium route at 10am, if popular, will be divided into groups based on rider pace.

Head over the the facebook rear hub to indicate your route choice, enjoy the rides!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 6th September 2020

After a great turn out last Saturday and Sunday we aim to continue the good work this week with three routes heading North. With the 9am route being 15 miles longer than the 10am route they may well join up, depending on legs, mechanicals and biscuit breaks, who will return to the Rose and Crown first?

9am 51 miles:

10am 36 miles:

10am 22 miles:

Please arrive at Ivinghoe church slightly before your expected start time so reasonable size groups can form and head over to the face book rear hub to let us know which route you plan to ride.

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Saturday 29th August and Sunday 30th August

We have an extra ride option for you this Saturday and it’s a big one! We are cycling a century (miles). The ride is part of Zoe’s fund raising, replacing the Velo Birmingham sportive which has been cancelled. Zoe is raising funds for the Cliff Richard fan club’s “Woodland house appeal” supporting Birmingham’s women’s hospital. It won’t be a summer holiday but hopefully under clear blue skies we will share a dream, travelling light, beat the young ones and take the congratulations. Everyone welcome whether you are a bachelor boy or a living doll!

The ride starts at 9am at Ivinghoe church. There are two coffee shop stops planned, firstly after 40 miles at The George of Dragon in Quainton (approx 11.45am) and secondly Cafe Belge at Nash after 70 miles (approx 2.30pm) If anyone would like to join us @15mph on a flat route to do the whole ride, the first half or the last 30 miles you are welcome

On Sunday we have the usual three ride options for you, we have been enjoying a great turn out in recent weeks with riders splitting down into sub-groups based on average speed. Please add your ride preference to our facebook rear hub poll if you can, this encourages other riders and allows us to start planning the ride splitting process.

Not too much climbing on offer this week, the 9am route circumnavigates Leighton Buzzard, 48 miles with just 1,400 feet of elevation

The longer 10am route takes us to Bishopstone on a 33 miler with a miserly 600 feet of elevation, take it steady, or you will be back before the pub opens!

The shorter 10am route is the hilly option with 1,400 feet packed into 23 miles

Please bring the route you wish to ride, our aim is to not leave anyone behind, but wrong turns can make life difficult. We will meet at the church at Ivinghoe which allows space to meet and divide into appropriate sized riding groups.

Following a recent negative comment sent to the website from a local car driver we would ask you to please consider how your behaviour (particularly in club colours) affects the reputation of our friendly group, we want to show cycling and our lovely villages in a good light at all times, encouraging participation and good will for our great sport

Take care, stay safe and see you at the weekend!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 23rd August

Three route choices as usual this week, Your shortest option this week is a 10am 20 miler

Mid-distance offering is this 38 mile beauty

The longest option and earlier start time of 9am takes us to Buckingham for a 60 mile excursion.

Next Saturday there is a 100 mile ride planned, we will communicate the route on next weeks post, it’s going to be flat! There will be the usual Sunday rides as well.

For anyone wishing to get your hands on some of our lovely kit, head over to the ordering website now as we have an order window currently open

All rides start from Ivinghoe church, so please arrive with in advance of your intended start time, see you on Sunday!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides For Sunday 16th August

On Sunday our shorter 10am ride takes in the most recent tourist attraction, the reverse roundabout in Lower Kings Road Berkhamsted. This 22 mile route has a couple of climbs in along with some lovely scenery

The longer 10am route visits Cublinton and Oving and a tough climb back from Weedon, it’s a 35 miler with some great views over the vale

The 9m Option this week takes us out through Hertfordshire to the St Albans Area, it looks like a lovely flowing 56 miles after struggling up Bison Hill.

The routes all start outside Ivinghoe Church and finish at the Rose and Crown, please bring the route with you and arrive before your ride start time so we can make sure we get the group numbers sorted out. Happy riding!

Ivinghoe Velos Rides for Sunday 9th August 2020

Hi all, with warm weather expected on Sunday it will be important to bring adequate liquid for hydration during the rides. Post ride hydration will take place at the Rose and Crown without our ride groups, starting point for rides is Ivinghoe church.

This weekend we give you the chance of completing 100km with an easy 9am route with just the one hill up to Christmas common, other than that it’s flat all the way so just 1,800 feet of climbing over 65 miles. If required on this route we will stop in Watlington for water top up purchases.

At 10am you have the choice of a 50km (31 miles in old money) route out to Missenden and Chesham, this route has more climbing than the 9am route!

or a 20 mile loop to Eaton Bray and back through Aldbury

Please remember we will need to split into sub-groups to ensure we remain the right side of riding numbers, something which has gone well in recent weeks with groups splitting into teams of up to six riders based on expected average speed. Please bring your chosen route with you whether that be paper based on GPX file, we aim not to not leave people behind but that can get tricky if wrong turns are taken!