Monthly Archives: May 2016

Rides for bank holiday Sunday

It may be the last stage of the Giro d’Italia on Sunday but all the action will be Ivinghoe with plenty of rides to suit all tastes…

Dave ‘Chaves’ Howe has designed a rather clever 8am ride that can be either 100km or 100 miles depending on how much time you have – with the split coming in Long Crendon after passing through Thame. Do come and ride but please don’t do a Kruijswijk.

100km route:

100 miles route:

The plan is to ride together at a steady 15 mph with a cafe break at Treacles tea room in Thame.

Meanwhile Dave ‘Nibali’ Bembridge has used all his shark-of Messina-like experience to come up with a pair of 10am rides…

16 miles:

32 miles:

The question is – which Dave will be wearing pink tomorrow?

Velos Rides for Sunday 22nd May 2016

Plenty of choice of rides and start time / distance combinations  this week. Many thanks to Dave “Alps” Bembridge for sending them in.

9am start, 48 miles

10am start, 48 miles (led out by Gary)

10am start, 32 miles

10am start, 23 miles

As always, please do bring your chosen route with you. We depart at the time stated from the Rose and Crown Public House in Ivinghoe.

Next Sunday there is a great opportunity to get a century ride in. Dave “There’s Only One Ring” Howe has cooked up a great route and promises a refuelling stop half way round. You can find more details over on the Velos Facebook group, The Rear Hub.

It Maybe May…

And it maybe a nice day, albeit it maybe a little chilly…. but the Tea Ride will go forth!

You may join us and you may bring any bicycle …

There may not be a Sally or an Elke to lead you out so you may choose your leader & destination if they’re absent!

You may have fun, you may see the sights & you may travel the lanes.  What you MUST do is  stop for Tea & Cake.  (Else there’s no point to a Tea Ride!!)

You MUST also be at the Rose & Crown, Ivinghoe by 10am on Saturday.  With your bike!

Velos Rides for Sunday 8th May 2016

Only two weeks after we were being snowed on, summer has most definitely arrived. We have a great choice of rides this week include probably our most popular routes, The Benson Finger. Note that there are three different start times.

8am start, The Benson Finger

9am start, 45 miles to Winslow led by Liz

10am start, 32 miles via Cublington

Please bring a copy of your chosen route with you. We launch from the Rose and Crown in Ivinghoe at the times stated.