Velos Rides for Sunday 6th March 2016

As the result of a couple of great posts over on the Rear Hub Facebook group, we are going to make some changes to the Sunday rides this week. Our aim is to ensure we keep to one of our founding principals  – “No one gets left behind”.

The changes will be –

At the start of the 9am ride, we will have a discussion about what people are most happy with in terms of pace. If there are distinct differences, groups of riders will be formed to suit. At least one of the “regulars” will remain with each group as a nominated group leader. They will have a copy of the route and help ensure their group of riders stays together.

Each rider needs to be aware of who is cycling behind them. If they notice the person behind them dropping off the back, they should give a shout to the person in front of them asking for the pace to be reduced so that they can get back on. This call should be relayed to the front of the group and the ride leader.

The only exceptions to maintaining group formation is when going up and down hills. This is where many of the club push themselves and enjoy trying to hit a personal best. The speedy riders will wait at the top if the hill until the rest of their group are with them. The same applies after a steep or long decent where the riders at the front should wait somewhere safe for everyone to regroup.

For fast groups, there may be a point close to the end of the ride where the group want to sprint for the final couple of miles. That’s fine so long as the group as a whole know what’s going on. So please, ensure that your intentions are relayed to all members of your group and that a rider is not left to ride home alone.

The etiquette above is the collective thoughts of the regulars, distilled by your webmaster. Everyone who rides with us is entitled to add to these thoughts,  so please do speak up.

9am start, a flat 47 miles from Mr Howe

10am start, 32 mile route from Mr Bembridge

10am start, a flat 15 miles from Mr Bembridge


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