Dressing for the Occasion

There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing.

So no excuses.  Pudsey Pyjamas, Onesies, Waterproofs, Wellies – just wrap up and get out on your bike, trike, tandem, recumbent, unicyle…..  All steeds & handlers are welcome on the Tea Ride!

And on the subject of clothing…  We have some secondhand, official Velos cycling shirts for sale – proceeds to Children in Need … a small (ladies), a medium (mens) and a 4XL (ladies – 18/20).  Not sure how much difference there is in the cut of them so step up, give us a shout and give ’em a try on! (Use the Contact Us form on the website to get in touch please)

The Rose & Crown, Saturdays, 10am.  Be there, or be stuck inside, knowing you could be doing something far more exciting……

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