Well I have now returned from luxuriating in the french Alps, where I developed a number of new 2 hour rides for our intrepid members and friends. As usual they will start from the R&C and finish there. More news of these when the teleporter arrives.

And so continuing with the good news theme, whilst the rest of the world continues to trawl through double dips and recession, your local cycle club continues to go from strength to strength with over 40 of us now now subscribing to our regular updates. Its not difficult to understand why when you look at our investment success, you put no money in, and we turn it into no money. By my calculation that’s a 100% return, where else are you going to get that? In fact we are so confident of our continued success that we don’t even need to attach the usual disclaimers about the value of investments going up and down. So go tell your friends and get them out on tomorrows ride. I bet you were wondering how I was going to get to the cycling bit, so was I when I started writing this!

Well here it is, a little 20 miler, with a few slight inclines, but mainly downhill.

January Jiggler


  1. Diary dates; a couple of local rides over the coming months I’m thinking of doing, would welcome fellow riders to join, 27th March Iain Rennie Aylesbury ride 35 miles, 12th June tour de vale, 55 miles Also fancy the 7th August Suffolk Coast (what no hills?) 60 miles, which was great fun last year.

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