All posts by sally

Saturday 10 am DIY Tea Ride

It looks like a lovely sunny morning tomorrow, but your ride leaders are away! Meet at 10 am tomorrow and pick a tea room of your choice. Nominate a lead rider, and someone to go at the back and make sure no one is left behind. Do a head count at the start (helpful when wondering whether you have lost anyone later). Have a longer and shorter ride if required. Eat cake, cycle and have fun!

Rides for Sunday April 19th

We have 4 rides on offer for Sunday including another early start for
those that want to get some miles in.

The routes

9am start, hilly 50:

10am start, hilly 35:

10am start, hilly 26:

10am start, flat(ish) 18:

These rides start at the Rose and Crown and we do ask that you bring a
copy of your chosen route please. There are no specific ride leaders for
these rides so you will need to organise yourselves into groups for the
10am rides. It looks dry but fairly cold tomorrow with a 10mph wind from the NE.