And the sunlight hurts my eyes
And something without warning, love
Bears heavy on my mind
Then I look at you*
And the world’s alright with me
Just one look at you
And I know it’s gonna be
A lovely ride
… lovely ride, lovely ride, lovely ride …
When the ride that lies ahead of me
Seems impossible to face
When someone else instead of me
Always seems to know the way**
**We always know the way. To tea and cake. No upwards incline (we never use the word hill!) is impossible for the Tea Ride – they’re carefully selected to be Tea Ride friendly.
As fast as the slowest rider, leaving the Rose & Crown at 10am, EVERY Saturday.
For those wanting a taster of something a little different …. 7pm from Pitstone roundabout (the one by the cricket green)…. the Tea Ride goes a little off-road… roads & tracks – bridle paths, canal paths and a bit of roadwork. Absolutely for the beginner or faint hearted… mountain bikes, hybrids, cyclocross, BMX’s all welcome – not one for the road bike!
Further details will be posted on the Rear Hub on Facebook ….