An evocative title by which to introduce this weeks news I am sure you will agree. For some the relentless pursuit to ensure that our soldiers, and their families, recieve fair recognition for the sacrifices they make for our country.

For others perhaps the slogan on the side of an Iceland articulated truck. Kerry Katona serving up the finest frozen fish fingers to her children, but now sadly sleeping in shop doorways under discarded card board boxes. Some say there is no justice in the world, but for those doubters surely this tale provides conclusive evidence that there is?

But tonight I talk not of these, but only of my hunger for those little chocolates….. Cadbury heroes.  And we don’t have any!

As ever this weeks post has nothing to do with cycling, however I think you will find the following link does.

Long Route

Short Route

One final note, a reminder that July 10 is the first Aniversary of the Vinghoe Velos, so please set aside some extra time to join the celebrations. More details to follow from our leader.

PS where is IT when you have a font problem?

One thought on “A RIDE FOR HEROES

  1. Looks like a good ride! I’m free to ride on Tuesday night (rain forecast as usual) happy to meet other keen cyclists at 7pm

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