Over the past few weeks you have been left in the very capable hands of Andrew, whilst I have continued my high altitude training in the French alps. Now recent posts or gossip may have led you to believe that I have a never ending cycle of vacations and Jollies. But let me reassure you this is far from true. The Olympics remain only a short distance away, and if I am to retain my medal status the arduous labour must continue. And this brings me onto todays post.
As ever the Vinghoe Velos remain dedicated to creating a club open to all. To borrow a title………………the peoples cycling club! We continue to develop our ideas to meet the expectations of everyday people. Indeed it was only recently, whilst lunching at the Kings Head over an exquisite Aylesbury Duck, that a passer by lent in through the window and shouted “Gary, you are a man of the people go out there and bring the velos to the masses”. And so inspired by this mere mortal I ordered more wine before arranging for the chauffer to return us to the Rose and Crown.
So today our campaign starts, fellow velos get out amongst your friends. Remember it is not what you can do for your cycling club, it is what your club can do for. It is not the taking part that counts, but the winning. The bicycle is not for turning.
That last statement might not be correct.
And so me Homeez I bring you onto this weeks banging rides. Their Gangzsta!
Finally for those of you still in doubt take a look at some of our fellow cyclists to see the mass appeal of our club.